

CollabForum projects are open or closed communities created to develop a service, product, or other deliverable under a set of defined tasks and resources as set out in the project’s charter. CollabForum was structured to allow projects to launch quickly at low-cost and be self-governed/deterministic. Projects can be formed to work on many types of activities such as:

  • Validating technology solution approaches
  • Creating specifications
  • Developing reference implementations
  • Executing pilot projects
  • Facilitating interoperability testing/demonstration
  • Transferring assets and intellectual property from existing collaborations

Projects can define project-specific policies and procedures under the overall policies and procedures of the CollabForum. Projects are governed by a Steering Committee selected from among its participants. Within the project, multiple workgroups can exist (up to the discretion of the Project) and each of those workgroups reports to the Project Steering Committee.

Check back with us for updates on new CollabForum projects.

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